Bouncing.....that's what my kids do on our garden trampoline. Lately Liam has been trying somersaults..... somersaults of the kind that should not be done on a garden trampoline without risking a trip to A&E. Now Freya is following his acrobatic displays.
I signed them up for some one off sessions earlier on in the year and after enjoying their taster sessions they started classes last week.
I was still on enforced bed rest with my DVT and Grandad took them to their first class last week but this week after what seemed like a very long day at work I took them. After some time a lady came over whose children were in the class before ours and said she recognised Liam and Freya as she reads this blog.
Shocked is not the word, people read this blog. May I apologise for my lack of speaking as I really was totally shocked that I have readers who I don't know and I do appreciate you taking time to read my ramblings. I promise you I can string a sentence together, honest.
I would like to thank everyone who reads this blog, those I know and those I don't. Thank you for sparing time to come into my little world, it really is appreciated.
One day Liam wants to bounce for our Country, just like this...

Until then I'll pray we don't find a seat at A&E.