Wednesday 5 September 2012

WOYWW (5 September 2012)

Thank God the kids go back to school today and I can start to tackle this:

Speaks for itself doesn't it and you can't even see what I have to move to get to the desk!
Pop on over to Julia to see some much tidier work spaces.


  1. It does look a bit untidy, but I suspect that will clean up in no time at all, since much of it looks contained. Are those pizza boxes on your shelves? Greetings from (I don't believe it) number 1 this week.

  2. Your desk looks very busy, there is were the magic comes! Have a great day!

  3. looks like a creative desk to me! Happy woyww-Lindsay #9

  4. HAA. I think my desk has yours beat!!! Tee hee.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #15

  5. snap, snap, snap and snap....I have those and those...just love Ikea! Busy busy! HApPy WoYwW #14
    ((Hugs Lyn))

  6. I feel for you - although I sense the delight in your craft space - I just did a big cleaning out and reorganizing. I have to say it was as fun as working on an actual craft project!

  7. Wowzers hope you got it all sorted. I bet you made some wonderful things though while you making that mess? Michelle x #12

  8. Looks like a mega task, good luck, hope you have some time left over to play when it's done
    Happy Wednesday
    Hugz Minxy #9

  9. Gosh a bit of tidying up to tackle but that's exciting I think. They certainly look like pizza boxes on the shelves to me too?
    Cheers, Elaine #24

  10. I am looking past the pile to all the fun things hidden there. Looks like lots of fun to me. LOL.

  11. I keep buying stuff and soon I won't have any place to put it. I should not take long to organize. #33

  12. Hope you find something fun to play with for when you are done cleaning.

  13. Isn't it amazing how all that stuff stacks itself up when you are not looking - it happens around here too.

  14. Sounds a lot like my room! I have lots of boxes and bags on the floor and I always had to balance or walk sideways to get to my desk! But last week, we had a taping of a TV show in MY house and I had my helper move all the boxes and stuff to HER room! When she transferred all the stuff back, she managed to make it tidier and now I have as clear way to my desk- heavenly!!!! Patsy # 4

  15. well i am sure it will take no time to clear awy and then you can get creating! have a creative week trace x #61

  16. wow what a lot of fun stuff! Are those pizza boxes? What do you store in them? Have a great week! Vickie #66

  17. Oh my you're in for some serious crafting by the look of it. :D
    Have a great time ~ enjoy!
    Happy WOYWW Neesie #13

  18. hope you get it sorted - it looks a great space to work in. Helen 52

  19. Hiya, its been a while but it's good to be back and taking a peek at your creative world again. Looking busy and fun. Hope you have a good week too. (Once you get it all sorted that is!)
    Neil @ 62

  20. back to woyww for me, glad to see others rooms in the same state mine is, creative lol

    hugs Lou P #83

  21. My kids start school today too. I'm glad! Like you, I've got things to do - like cleaning up my stamp area.


    Terry #85

  22. Hmmm you definitely need to do something Candace!! You have even obliterated that final postage stamp of creative space we all get down to! Good job ;-D Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 22

  23. Just focus on the reward of being able to craft in peace once the desk is tidy... I love the kids being back at school. I always feel more inspired lol.


  24. Oh my, that is a bit over the top, but there are some really good things there.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #70

  25. hahaha sounds like all our desks
    Bridget #30

  26. This just looks like you are being very creative. A litte mess never hurt anyone! You are in very good company!

    Glenda #119

  27. A great desk Candace. Why would a creative person's desk be tidy anyway. Enjoy your day. Hugs Rita 123. xx

  28. Hope you managed to get it organised... nb people with messy desks always seem to be more creative!

  29. Have fun organizing! I love organizing :)

    Katie (37)

  30. it looks perfectly normal to me.Tidy is the destroyer of creativity!

  31. I think that = a lot of work was done before that happened right?

  32. Will definitely be easier to clean without kids around!
    Unless you get distracted and start creating something else :)

    Mary Jo #132

  33. I need a good tidy at my place too. LOL
    Keep smiling and creating, love your cubbies so close to hand.

  34. Oh but how lovely when it's done and you can really sit down to play! Happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  35. Once you start to tidy you will find that 6 inch square that we all work in :)

  36. Just when you think you won't have your hands full with kids you have that mound of work to knock down. Mom never gets to rest.

  37. Yes, that's a pretty messy work space at its best - I like it.
    Happy belated WOYWW BarbaraBee # 148

  38. My desk (aka dining table) is really tidy this week but that is mainly due to the fact we have just moved and all my stash is piled into a cupboard until I can figure out how and where to store it lol. I would love a little sp[ace all of mine so I am very jealous mess or no ;)

  39. Yours looks tidy compared to mine :)
    You are just super creative. Enjoy your peace and quiet.
    Von #58

  40. I hope by the time I'm reading this that you have cleared a path to your desk and got some crafting in while the kids were at school :) Hope you have a lovely weekend. Elizabeth x #90

  41. You were busy getting your new kit together though so a very creative space it is.


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