Friday 21 December 2012

Its Fast Approaching.......

I've got a big birthday coming up in March, about 3 months to be exact. With one thing and another I just didn't get round to writing a list of things I would like to do on the run up to the big birthday. Well I did do one thing and that's buy a smash book and there it has sat unused for the past 10 months. I'm going to put it to good use this year when I pass that big number.  

Just need to write the big birthday bucket list of things to do during that year.  Got some in my head, some well in to the planning stages but a few gaps remain to be filled.  Any suggestions?

A list of 30 things, you know one for each year ;0)

Wednesday 5 December 2012

A Different Christmas

Christmas this is going to be very different from those over the past 10 years.

Different....very very different.

This year, we will not have a visit to Santa, you see, they no longer believe.

I am much more upset about this than they are.

No longer will I see their faces light up when they meet that special man.

No longer will they suddenly turn shy and go very quite, mouths open with an eye popping gaze.

No longer will I creep around on Christmas Eve, collecting all the presents from their hiding places.

Christmas 2010 025

To be honest, they didn't really believe last year, but we visited Santa and went through the motions. I think it was more to keep me happy, rather than them.

They are growing up, growing up way too fast.


It honestly scares me.