Thursday 25 March 2010

Housework, Scrapping & Music Concerts

Had a busy day yesterday, spent the day catching up on housework followed by a little break for scrapping when by March Scrapagogo kit arrived.  Just couldn't wait to try it out.  Scrapped an old picture of my Son from 2006 on his scooter at our old house:

When I'd finished scrapping, I had a little sort through one of my fabric cupboards as planning on cushion making over Easter.  Had a little help at one point.  Turned my back for a few seconds and Bubbles was in the cupboard asleep! Surprised her sister didn't join her, but think she was happy on the bed.

Last night was spent at my Daughters Music Concert.  Such talented kids!  Evening really enjoyed by all.  Sadly no picks I can post as other children on all of them.

Well had my plans for today disrupted by ill children.  Both of them have tempretures and have been up in the night so grouch central at our house today.  Was supposed to be out for the monthly 'Ladies who Lunch' meeting.  Lovely carvery with plently of girly gossip.  Typical, have plans means ill kids!

Well they are both in bed asleep for now, mmm.......crafting or housework?  Wonder which will win?

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Too Quick For My Own Good!

Look what I did!  There I was earlier rushing to get my LO finished and on my blog before I left to get the kids from school and I didn't put the title on.  So for the second time today, here is my finished LO:

Had a peaceful evening as the kids have been out at Beavers this evening, baths then straight to bed.  Managed to get a quick photo of them before they left.

Night all x

First Day at School LO

Finished the LO I started this morning, cutting the flowers out seems to have taken forever.  When I first began I was unsure which picture to use.  Finally went for the photo of my 2 children on my Daughters first day at school.  She has never looked so cute since!

Must dash, got to fetch the little darlings from school now x

Blogging for Scrapbooking Day One Prompt

Well, late last night I had a look at some of the information that goes with Shimelle's on-line class for Blogging for Scrapbooking.  First prompt asks you to set out your goals for the class. 

My Goals:

  1. To learn how to express how I feel both creativly and emotionally.

  2. To develop my crafting skills

  3. To meet new people who share my obsession

  4. To broaden my horizons further than work & kids
.......and above is my picture for the day.

I'll post a photo of the finished LO when completed.

Monday 22 March 2010

Scrap & Bake Evening

Had a busy evening.  Completed one LO with Sarah's Cards March Kit for my Son's Album.  The title of this page describes these pair exactly!  Had fun with these papers.  Scraplift from Lou who designs for Sarah's Cards.

Also had a cake bake.  Recipe is Malteser Cakes and can be found on Debbie's blog at Country Heart and Home.  Taste really really nice.  Can honestly say, the cakes did't last long, certainly no leftovers for tomorrow.

March Kit From Sarah's Cards Has Arrived!

Today saw the Postman knocking on the door with my first scrapbook kit from Sarah's Cards Ltd. I have a habit of constantly buying papers that have the same colours and patterns and decided to challenge myself and let someone else pick for me. All I can say is I love the kit, so different to what I would have picked myself and the design booklet that came with it has given me loads of inspiration.

Have signed up for an online class with Shimelle to learn how to do this blogging properly!  Lets see if any one can notice when I start the class!  Also read on her site that Scrapbook Inspirations is back in publication every quarter as an ideas book from 31 March priced at £9.99, can't wait, just love that mag.  Pre orders are being taken on the above link, but will be sold in WH Smith, Sainsbury's and other newsagents.  I've ordered mine!

Also taken out a subscription for Scrapagogo monthly kits.  Subscription starts with the April 'Fabrication' kit but I purchased the March 'Turn It Up' kit this morning as I loved the bright colours of the alphabet.  With a bit of luck that will be here later this week! Oh and I'm also waiting for a delivery from The Scrapbook Shop.  Must remember no more stash!  Idea of the scrapbook kits was to give myself a challange and to save money!

Must go now for a little play with Sarah's Cards Kit before the kids come home x

Sunday 21 March 2010

Lazy Sunday

Had a really lazy day today. 

I like Sundays, kids go to their Father's on Saturday nights so nice lie in and a day to myself!  I try my best to get all the housework done during the week so I can have breakfast in bed with the papers followed by me time!  They came back about one hour ago with the message "Daddy might not have us next weekend", does that surprise me? No!  Nearly Easter Hols, he's building up for the "I can't look after them during the school hols" routine, I know him too well!

Sadly no scrapping done but have been on the internet and looked at a couple of internet classes which I am going to sign up for next week.  Both to be done in my own time, just what I need to keep me busy over the Easter Hols - hoping for good weather so I can send the kids in the garden for some peace & quiet!

Also had a look for crop groups - found a couple of local ones, going to send some emails off to organisers for further details once the kids have been bathed and in bed.

Looked for some new cupcake receipes and narrowed down to 3.  See what we have in the cupboard tomorrow before I decide exactly which one to try.  If I remember I'll post some picks....or should that read, if the kids don't eat them in 3 seconds flat, I'll take some pictures!

Thats all for now, happy scrapping! x

Saturday 20 March 2010

Late Night Scrapping & Chasing Hamsters

Couldn't sleep so decided to put my energy to good use.  Just scrapped my Daughter making cakes back in August 2007.  She had just turned 4 and was at the stage where she didn't want any help doing anything but still needed help! 

Oh the mess after she had finished icing those cakes.

Good job I couldn't sleep as I heard a noise behind me and when I turned, stood in the middle of the room were two of our cats looking at one of the hamsters walking across the room.  Harriet is now back safe and sound in her cage and the cats are sat on the sideboard watching her.....too late girls, you had your chance and missed it!

Papers, journal tag, chipboard, rub ons, ribbon, flowers, buttons, brads & letters by We R Memory Keepers, Tiffany Range; Cardstock by Brazzil.  Photos taken August 2007.

Friday 19 March 2010

Scrapping Delivery!

Just taken delivery of my latest purchase of scrapbooking papers from the lovely team at Scrapbook Shop. Great range of scraping supplies and reward points too.

Can't wait to start!

Papers & stickers by Bo Bunny.  Top image Petshop, bottom image U Bug Me; Cardstock by Brazzil

Thursday 18 March 2010

MMM Yummy Cakes!

Well I've been busy this afternoon in between the school run, cooking evening meal and a "little" bit of housework. Not quite sure how long this enthusiasm will last, but off I go to try!

Would love your comments as over the past 5 years, styles have really changed and could do with some help, trying the new trends. Daughter now wants me to scrap her photos of when we made the cupcakes. Sadly this is going to be pink!

Papers, rub on's & chipboard by basic Grey Cupcakes range; Cardstock by Brazzil; Boarder punch by Woodware; Glitter card & brads from stash. Photos taken August 2007

Why Wannabe Scrapbook Addict?

Afternoon all, well finally got the blog up & running.

I'm a wannabe scrapbook addict due to time restraints with work & 2 young children. Used to scrap on a regular basis until I went back to work after having my daughter 5 years ago. Recently just not had the time for regular scrap days, just the odd day every year.

If I had the time I'd scrap non stop. Instead I've been buying lots of goodies that just sit in cupboards until they have an outing every now & then.
From today the aim is to do at least one LO per week as so many photos to scrap.......mmm we'll see how it goes!

Update on my scrapbook goals will be coming soon, hope you can come back & support me with my mission x